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Trying to make custom gallery usage report, am I hitting the right tables?

11 - Bolide

I'm trying to make a basic report on our gallery usage. The only info I need is workflow name, the owner, the original date of upload, the deletion date.

In a nutshell I want to measure

  1. Be able to create a SQL Server history table so I can measure it over time(this is why I need the upload and deletion date)
  2. How many workflows are there currently?
  3. How many workflows each user uploaded in total
  4. How many workflows each user currently has

I connected to Alteryx Gallery.appinfos to get the workflow info.

I connected to Alteryx Gallery.users to get the owner info and join users.Revisions.0.AuthorId to users.User_ID

That all seemed to work. 


Here are my questions

  1. In order to get an understanding for the data structure I saved a workflow to the gallery, but when I queried AppInfos a couple minutes later, the workflow wasn't in the dataset.  Why would it be missing?
  2. If a workflow is deleted, am I correct in assuming the AppInfos.Revisions.0.DateCreated field for that row where AppInfos.IsDeleted = True is the date the workflow was deleted?
16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula