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Scheduling Chained Apps

5 - Atom

I'm having problems with a Chained App workflow I've created.  It consists of 2 workflows.  I have successfully deployed it to our server and when I run it manually it will run the second chained app.  But when scheduling, it will only run the first one.  It also looks different when viewing the results.  The priority for the scheduled run will always show as low/med/high (depending on what I set up in the schedule).  Chained App priority is not an option and only displays when I run it manually.


Any help/guidance would be appreciated!


Hi @Jaxbee


I think the issue is that apps are designed to have user interaction. Even when no input is required, there is still a screen stating that the app requires no configuration, with a button that has to be selected to continue. Currently, there is not an option to run chained apps in “silent mode” without user interaction.


I suggest testing other options for scheduling a series of workflows to run in an automated sequence. If you have a license for Desktop Automation, Engine API, or Server you can use workflow events. Please see this article for details:


Another option is using CReW Runner macros to call workflows. When running workflows with these macros on Gallery, be sure to verify the capacity of the Alteryx Server for simultaneous workflows. More information is available from the links below. 

7 - Meteor

Seeing as we're a year later from @EricWe's last post on this, has anything been implemented since to make this possible? Seems like would be fairly simple to do via a web interface on the gallery.


Hi @Whodathunkit


There are a few options for running workflows in an automated sequence as mentioned in my previous post. However, apps remain designed to require user input. I suggest contacting support at to review the other options. Also, we have a free Virtual Solutions Center if you want to schedule a workflow-building session for your use case with one of our experts. 


I suggest posting the idea of apps without user input on our Community Designer Ideas board. When other customers "vote" for an idea with likes and comments that shows interest and gets the attention of the Product Managers. Maybe it could be an optional checkbox on the Runtime tab. We do add a lot of ideas from Community to the product. One release in a previous year was all user ideas. Here is the link to add a post.