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Publish to Tableau tool error out even after file is uploaded 100%

6 - Meteoroid

Hi, i am trying to upload quite a big file to Tableau server using Publish to Tableau tool. Unfortunately I cannot use the new Tableau output tool yet because the Alteryx governance team in my organization doesn't allow using that tool on Alteryx server yet.


The error i get is "The file was not uploaded successfully" even though 100% of it has been uploaded (screenshot attached), and i see the full data set on Tableau server. I am using a runner to fire off the workflow and there are workflows after this one. If this one errors out, the subsequent ones would not run, so have to figure out how to bypass this error some how.


Thank you in advance!

11 - Bolide

Have you changed Tableau in any way, including patches? It's possible that Tableau is sending a response that the old Publish to Tableau tool is not expecting or knows how to handle.


If your company will allow Python, you could use Alteryx to create a hyper file, then use Python to publish that hyper file to your Tableau server.

6 - Meteoroid

Thank you! Do you mean using either tabcmd, the Tableau REST API, or the Tableau Server Client library from Python? Like option 2 in this link:

11 - Bolide

Here's what I created. It's in use by many users in my company. It was created using Designer 2024.1. If you get a version warning, ignore them and open the workflow.

6 - Meteoroid

I forgot to post to say thank you so much!!!!