Alteryx Server Discussions

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Can I use mongodb to update collections?

9 - Comet



So far i think Collections are a mess in the Gallery.

If one user creates 20 Collections and he wants to add 10 admins to each of those collections, then thats not easy.

So i want to add users and permissions in bulk, and i think MongoDB is the best alternative. Is this possible?

16 - Nebula
16 - Nebula

I believe it's possible; I use Robo 3T to peak into the Mongo DB, and I am able to edit.  However, I've been told numerous times from Alteryx that it's highly inadvisable, as there are relationships and various keys that are made when you go through the UI, and you risk not having the UI work properly.

Before you try, I'd wait to see what Alteryx has to say.