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Alteryx Gallery Error ( Upgrade Version from 2021.1 - > 2021.2 )

8 - Asteroid

I try to migrate Alteryx Server  to latest one. 


I try on localhost after I finish upgrade version (I made a back up but I just install latest alteryx server version instead this one )


{"data":null,"exceptionName":"NotFoundException","innerExceptionMessage":"","message":"Object not Found"}



I am not sure is it about MongoDB crosswalk version MongoDB Schema Reference | Alteryx Help or not


or I did missing step to upgrade this version here? 

5 - Atom

I have a similar error when executing an App in my private in-house gallery.

{"data":null,"exceptionName":"NotFoundException","innerExceptionMessage":"","message":"Temporary authentication token not found."}


8 - Asteroid

I was upgrading from 2020.1 to 2021.2 and ran into the same problem.  This happened when I refreshed the Mongo DB from another environment.  I ended up removing the locks in the lock table and that fixed it.

9 - Comet

You will encounter this issue if you proceed with MongoDb having locks created in collections.

Also if there are inconsistencies in data.


Alteryx support can guide you with steps to clear locks and inconsistent data before upgrade.

7 - Meteor

Can you tell me the process in which folder I should enter and what I should delete?


You need to delete records from the MongoDB AlteryxGallery database locks collection and the upgrade schema migration should then complete on its own.  Customer Support is happy to walk you through how to connect to your database and delete the locks collection records.

Note:  This error is common when the database was restored from another machine and the Host Recovery steps were not followed.  If you restored from a backup on another machine I suggest restarting the process and following

(Hi Angel1, I'm sure you've already worked through your upgrade, the above is for future customers who land on this page).

Ed Phelps
5 - Atom

Did you ever figure out a solution for your issue? I am encountering the same one in my server environment and I am curious whether deleting records from the MongoDB AlteryxGallery database locks collection would help. Appreciate any guidance/help you can provide!


This is the issue I am getting {"data":null,"exceptionName":"NotFoundException","innerExceptionMessage":"","message":"Temporary authentication token not found."}


Hi @jankelleyfl --

Your error message is a bit different, as you highlighted at the end: ""Temporary authentication token not found."}".   This error has been associated with a few different causes -- issues with 22.3 CryptoMigratrion, failed restore of a MongoDb, or customers who deleted data directly from Mongo (not recommended!) and caused referential integrity issues they didn't expect.

If this is occurring with a single WF you may be able to open it in Designer and re-publish (depending on the cause).  If this doesn't work, or you have multiple workflows exhibiting this issue, please open a case and post the following internal link to direct the CSE to troubleshooting steps that we can perform with you.  You can also include my name, Ed Phelps.

Internal link --

Ed Phelps
5 - Atom

Hi there, I'm getting the same error upgrading from 2022.1 - > 2023.2.


Server UI page gives error: {"data":null,"exceptionName":"NotFoundException","innerExceptionMessage":"","message":"Object not found."} after MongoDB migration.


The migration prep tool was not used, however, the installer for 2023.2 had a migration built in that was ran once. This is running on the same host and is not being restored from elsewhere. I tried following the guide posted Server Host Recovery Guide ( but the token from the previous installation was not recorded. Any assistance would be appreciated!

EDIT: I found this case and followed it: Solved: Troobleshooting: Unable to connect to Gallery afte... - Alteryx Community ... This solved my issue.


Hi jrcuzfml --

Thanks for the EDIT above and I'm glad you were able to proceed with your upgrade.  The steps from the link above are listed below. 

However, the need to perform these steps indicates that the database was backed up on another machine and the steps of the Host Recovery were not followed when restoring to your new Server.  While the schema migration will proceed and the Service will start after deleting locks, failure to follow the Host Recovery will lead to DCM, Shared Credentials, workflows published with Credentials, and Gallery Database Connections failing to decrypt with (unfortunately) unclear errors.  Re-adding any of the proceeding items will work, but existing entries will fail.  If any of these features are used on a Server it's important to follow the Host Recovery process to move the decryption key stores from the prior Server to the new Server:

The process to delete the AlteryxGallery.locks records:

#1 Open the command line as an admin

#2 Change to Alteryx bin directory – for the default enter:
cd "\Program Files\Alteryx\bin"

#3 Connect to the Mongo Shell
mongo localhost:27018/AlteryxGallery -u user -p NON_ADMIN_MONGO_PSWD

#4 Open the database
use AlteryxGallery

#5 You should see some type of welcome message to indicate you got in successfully

#6 Verify the presence of locks
Enter: db.locks.find()

#7 It should return 1-2 locks

#8 Remove the locks
Enter: db.locks.remove({})

#9 Exit MongoDB


Ed Phelps