Alteryx Promote Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Promote experts.
One of the most important features of Promote is its ability to return near-real-time predictions from deployed models. Here is a list of frequently asked questions relating to Promote prediction requests.
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Did you know that you can use Promote to query a database (or include a database query in your Promote model)? 
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Keras is an open-source neural network API library, written in Python designed to run on top of TensorFlow, CNTK, or Theano. In this article, we demonstrate how to deploy a Keras model to Promote.
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Often, when deploying a model up to Promote, the model requires certain dependencies to run. These dependencies can be certain functions, files, etc. If your model requires them, you’ll need to create a, which contains commands to import these dependencies.
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Troubleshooting steps for missing model logs.
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Some Promote customers have run into an issue where the status of the predictive model will flicker between online and offline continuously on the Promote UI page. This article discusses the cause of the issue, as well as how to resolve it.
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