Alteryx IO Resources

Explore these resources to customize and extend the power of Alteryx with SDKs, APIs, and more.

Alteryx Platform SDK V2 and CLI Setup


Alteryx Platform SDK V2 and CLI Setup

This page describes how to install the Alteryx Platform SDK and Alteryx Plugin CLI.


  • To use the Alteryx Plugin CLI, your virtual environment must have Node 14. Install Node 14 via the instructions below.
  • Alteryx Designer is not required to use the Alteryx Plugin CLI and create plugins, however, you will need a valid installation of Designer to use them.
  • Test your plugins with the Test Client available in the ayx-sdk-cli.

Set Up the Development Environment

Dev Environment Setup

  • Download and install Miniconda.
  • Open an Anaconda Prompt to create a new virutal environment:
conda create -n MyEnvName python=3.8.5 nodejs=14 doit

If you are building a tool for Designer 2024.1, you should use Python 3.10.13.

  • Activate the environment:
conda activate MyEnvName

Go to Anaconda Documentation for more details.

Install the Alteryx Platform SDK and Alteryx Plugin CLI

In the activated virtual environment, pip install the Alteryx Platform SDK and Alteryx Plugin CLI with these commands:

pip install ayx_python_sdk
pip install ayx_plugin_cli