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Delete column.

6 - Meteoroid

I am very new with Alteryx. I want to delete column(s). I don't care what is in them what the headers are etc. I just want to delete a column(s). This was easy in Watson Analytics so I'd think it would be in designer but I've spent a lot of time and I don't see a way to easily just delete a column. I'm guessing the best thing to do is just remove it from the original input data set?

Thank You.

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @sweattej 


Just use the Select Tool and uncheck your desired column.


It's as simple as that.



6 - Meteoroid

I knew it had to be simple. I just didn't look under the select rock. Having a Gee Duhhh moment 🙂 Thanks.

5 - Atom

What if there are 250+ columns? If want only 20-30 columns of the entire data. I know I can use the select tool to do it. Is there an easier way to do than unchecking 200 columns one by one?

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team

@sgupta in the Select Tool, under the options>select you can choose "deselect all" and that will then allow to choose the fields you want without having to uncheck every column.



6 - Meteoroid

Hi All,


I need to delete some NULL columns from a form of data, but there are so many rows, I can't be 100% sure by deselecting and selecting certain columns.


Can Alteryx detect if there are any NULL columns in a set of data and delete them?

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @legwu 


You can check NULL values using the Browse tool. You will see a red mark below the column names.


If it's all green, you should be good. Hovering over the color mark also gives you a percentage of how many values are OK, empty or null.


You can also use the Field Summary and the Basic Profile tool under the Data Investigation palette. Both of them produce a summary of some data quality standards that you can check. 



5 - Atom
Hello, if I have to delete the data from particular column, but require the header than how to doit
5 - Atom
Hello, if I have to delete the data from particular column, but require the header than how to do it
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @sandya1 


Please find the workflow attached. 
