Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
This is a generic timeout error message. This article will shed further light on it.
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How to push spatial data into a PostgreSQL database in the proper format
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When connecting to a DB2 Database via ODBC in Designer, some Date datatype from a column are coming up Null
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Understand and troubleshoot the error "Login failed for user" when connecting to an OleDB datasource
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Understand and troubleshoot the "No error handle available to report exact OCI_ERROR" error message
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A description of how the Local Staging functionality within the Snowflake Bulk Loader works
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Hive ODBC can be slow when writing to tables. If you are looking for a faster option to write to Hive and want to create a new table or overwrite an existing table, use the IN-DB tools to output your data. 
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The Visual Query Builder window can take a long time to load because it always loads all column metadata for all tables for all schemas, even if a default database is selected in the database connection. This article will walk through using the In-Database tools as an alternative to using the Visual Query Builder.
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Snowflake did an upgrade which results in an error message for both the data input and data stream out tools: Result download worker error: Worker error: [Snowflake][Snowflake] (4) REST request for URL #URL failed: CURLerror (curl_easy_perform() failed) - code=91 msg='SSL server certificate status verification FAILED'.
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User encounters an error due to invalid character in table name: Data Stream In (6)    Executing PreSQL: "CREATE TABLE table-name¶ROW FORMAT SERDE¶'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.avro.AvroSerDe'¶STORED AS INPUTFORMAT¶'org.apache.had..." : [Simba][Hardy] (80) Syntax or semantic analysis error thrown in server while executing query. Error message from server: Error running query: org.apache.spark.sql.catalyst.parser.ParseException: ¶mismatched input '-' expecting (line 1, pos 18)¶¶== SQL ==¶CREATE TABLE table-name¶------------------^^^¶ROW FORMAT SERDE¶'org.apache.hadoop.hive.serde2.avro.AvroSerDe'¶STORED AS INPUTFORMAT¶''¶OUTPUTFORMAT¶''¶TBLPROPERTIES (¶'avro.schema.literal'= '{ "type": "record", "name": "Alteryx", "fields": [{ "type": ["null", "string"], "name": "field1"},{ "type": ["null", "string"], "name": "field2"},{ "type": ["null", "string"], "name": "field3"}]
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User gets a Win32 Exception when trying to connect to a database or edit a query
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User is getting an error when loading data to Snowflake using the local bulk loader option with an Internal Named Stage.
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An OCI error may occur when running a workflow from a network location with many OCI inputs: OCIEnvCreate Error: No error handle available to report exact OCI_ERROR.
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This article contains a list of common causes for being unable to run a workflow on a Gallery and solutions for each cause.
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Exception handling may be needed so that a scheduled workflow continues even if a pre or post Oracle SQL statement has an error.
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Characters that are not on a standard English keyboard may need translation into Unicode or a language-specific code page for Designer and database drivers to read them correctly. Characters with incorrect encoding will often appear as boxes or question marks in the Designer Results screen and error messages. Unicode characters take more bytes than English ASCII characters. Changing the column type and increasing the column size may be needed. In Designer, the column size is the number of characters, not the number of bytes.
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The Run Command tool can be used to connect to SQL Server and run complex SQL statements as well as multiple stored procedures.
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When trying to set up a System alias, but the System option is missing. How to troubleshoot this issue.
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How do I create an index on a field in my database table? An index for a field can be created using the Post Create SQL Statement option (option #10) found in the Configuration window of the Input tool.
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