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How To Create a Text File for a Backing up Designer Python Packages


How To: Create a Text File for a Backing up Designer Python Packages


This article will go over how to create a requirement text from the packages that are installed for the Python Tool and walk through how to use that document to reinstall after installs or upgrades.



    • Alteryx Designer

      • Version: All




    To generate the text file containing the python packages

    1. Start with a new Python tool.
    2. In a new cell, run the following command, making sure to replace the file location and file name to your preference.
    !pip freeze > "C:\temp\requirement.txt"
    1. After you run that command, confirm the document was created and has the package list inside. This is the document you will want to use to reinstall all the packages after upgrading or after a fresh installation of Designer.

    To reinstall the packages using that file

    1. Start with a new Python Tool.
    2. In a new cell, run the following command, pointing to the location of your file.
    !pip install -r "C:\temp\requirement.txt"

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