Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

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Flexnetlsadmin.bat commands fail to run after upgrading to the 21.4 version of the Alteryx License Server



After upgrading the Alteryx License Server to 2021.4, any commands entered using the flexnetlsadmin.bat batch script fail with the following error below.  This error shows whether you use the old server parameter http://myserver:7070/ or the new required parameter http://myserver:7070/api/1.0/instances/~

Base URL http://myserver:7070/ is invalid.
Please provide a valid Server Base URL or
set the environment variable FLEXNETLS_BASEURL correctly
  e.g FLEXNETLS_BASEURL=http://localhost:7070/api/1.0/instances/~.

Environment Details

  • Alteryx License Server
    • Version 2021.4


The cause of this is currently being investigated.




Set up the Environment Variable requested in the error.
  1. Click on your Windows Search box and paste in the following: sysdm.cpl
  2. Click on the sysdm.cpl application to open your System Properties dialog
  3. Click on the Advanced tab and then the Environment Variables button and the bottom of the window
  4. In the Environment Variables window, click New in the System Variables section
  5. Enter the following
    1. Variable Name: FLEXNETLS_BASEURL
    2. Variable Value: http://<your als server>:7070/api/1.0/instances/~
  6. Click Ok 3 times to close out all windows
  7. Restart the Alteryx License Server so the Environment Variable can take effect either through the Task Manager, Windows Services Console, or Command Line
  8. Test the flexnetlsadmin.bat command again.  For example: flexnetlsadmin.bat -server http://myserver:7070/api/1.0/instances/~ -authorize admin <password> -licenses -verbose



Please give the Alteryx License Server a few minutes to start up (5-7 minutes) before testing.

With the addition of the Environment Variable, the -server parameter is no longer needed in any of the flexnetlsadmin.bat requests.  For example, you can now use:
flexnetlsadmin.bat -authorize admin <password> -licenses -verbose

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