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Error: "Failed to authenticate" happens when using Python-based Connectors in Desktop Automation


Error: “Failed to authenticate” when running Python-based connectors in Desktop Automation/Scheduler


Environment Details


Running workflow containing Python-based connectors such as OneDrive, SharePoint, Google Drive in Desktop Automation/Scheduler fails with the following error:

Failed to authenticate
  • Alteryx Designer
    • Version: All
  • *Python-based Connectors 
    • Microsoft OneDrive
    • Microsoft SharePoint
    • Microsoft Outlook 365
    • Google Drive
    • ServiceNow
*This is not an exhaustive list of connectors.

Screenshot of the error:


Another possible error as seen in ServiceNow connector:



The credential information kept in the tool is user encrypted. Running the workflow using a different user or local system account will not be able to decrypt it correctly and hence the error.


Note that Desktop Automation/Scheduler does not support the use of Python-based connectors. Please consider the use of the Alteryx Server instead.

If you really do need to use the connectors in Desktop Automation/Scheduler, the workarounds can be one of the following:
1. Set the "run as a different user" in Alteryx System Settings to the user who creates the workflow containing the connector.


2. On the Desktop Automation/Scheduler machine, log on as the service account/user used in the "Run as a different user". Re-enter all the credentials information for the connector in the workflow and add it to the scheduler.


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