Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

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Create a Fiscal Year Calendar


Recently a couple questions came across the Customer Support desk asking how a fiscal calendar could be incorporated into a workflow. Natively Alteryx doesn’t have a tool to create one, but Alteryx does have a number of tools to make a fiscal calendar. Here is an example of how this can be done.

Simple Calendar

1. Determine the start and end dates of the fiscal calendar and enter them into Text input tool, each on an individual row

2. Connect a TS Filler tool to generate dates between the start and end dates

TS Filler.png

3. A Select Toolwas added to remove unnecessary fields

4. Add a Multi-Row Formula Tool to create a Day of Week field by assigning each row a day of the week from 1 to 7

day of week.png

5. Add another Multi-Row Formula Tool to calculate the fiscalweek. Whenever the Day of Week is 1 add a value of 1 to the previous row’s fiscal week value. This will create a running week value for the entire year

Fiscal Week.png

That's it!

An example workflow is attached. Also in example workflow is an example of how the fiscal month and week of month may be added. (Workflow is in Alteryx 10.6 version.)
