Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

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Can The Macros Path Visibility Be Hidden To Other Users?


Macros paths can be set in Designer under User Settings | Macros.  In a virtualized environment, can the Macros paths be visible and accessible only to the user that creates it and not to other users?


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The Macros Path is meant for an organization to be able to centralize Macros access.  It does not allow paths created by one user to be hidden from other users. 

If you look under the hood, when a Macros path is set in Designer, the path is written to ini files stored in the hidden directory C:/ProgramData/alteryx/dataproducts/addondata/macros/. This ini file cannot be moved to the user-specific AddData dir.  Even with a non-admin install of the Alteryx Server and the workspace in System Settings set to AppData, the Macros path will still be stored in the ini files located in c:/ProgramData/alteryx/dataproducts/addondata/macros/.

For additional information on the proper use of Macros paths, please see KB250140.