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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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Modify the taskbar icon while according to workflow status to provide a visual queue when workflows are running/completed, like the SAS running man or the Teradata sunglasses... The Alteryx A could be going places.



A functionality that my team really needs is the ability to use update and delete statements through in database tools. We use Teradata on my team and I'm sure many other platforms also need this functionality. I am really shocked and disappointed that in the update to 2018.4 Alteryx decided that it would add this new functionality to it's Write In DB tool, but only added it for SQL server. Moreover, this functionality is a hole that has been missing in these tools for a long time. Patches in functionality like that need to be added to all platforms, not just one. So please add update functionality to the Write In DB tool for Teradata and other platforms. The original post where Alteryx decided to make only this small change is here:

Posting on behalf of Door To Door Organics:

Canvases can get pretty huge and it's an unintuitive pain to have to scroll and shift+scroll across a large canvas, and an even bigger pain to rely on the sliders at the edges of the canvas. It would be REALLY nice if we could navigate the canvas by dragging the canvas around, much like a touch interface, in the same way that Photoshop's "Hand Tool" works. 
As an added plus, the same hotkey that Photoshop uses (the spacebar) should also be usable in Designer, since, I'm pretty sure it's not used for anything else at the moment, as a hotkey. The functionality would look like this: hold down the spacebar (which changes the mouse cursor to a hand tool) and then, while the space bar is still held down, you'd be able to "grab" the canvas and drag it around in your view port in order to traverse it in a much more intuitive way. Bonus points if you could manage to implement some inertial scrolling with this as well. 😃

Originally posted here:


Hi all,


Many people don't have access to SQL profiling tools to see what is ACTUALLY being run on the server, in order to be able to index the tables to optimize - So - it would be very helpful to understand the full set of transactions that are executed against a SQL server.   Tableau does this by having a performance mode, where you can see what queries were run and the time that each query took.


This would allow us to pump these through the SQL Database Engine Tuning Advisor (which takes a batch of SQL workload, and optimizes the DB for this workload through strategies such as indecies; partitioning; statistics; etc.


It may take a while to make this available in the UI, is there any way in the shorter term to make this available in a log file somewhere that we can unpick?


Many thanks


Currently, Alteryx .mrr inputs are essentially crippled by how long it takes to import the data into Alteryx. Furthermore, a .mrr of around 100MB ends up being many many GB in Alteryx because of spatial objects being created for every single bin, which is likely where the long import time is coming from.


If there was a simple option (like a checkbox on the config screen) to only import the bin ID and the decimal lat/long coordinates (with no spatial object), then the dataset size would be reduced by hundreds or thousands of times, and the load speed would hopefully be manageable.


Please fix the .mrr input as your geo-spatial analytics friends are being locked out of automated map analysis!!!

Many a times, we come across scenarios when the formula tool fails due to the change in the data type of the input fields.
For instance, a numerical calculation would fail or would not give correct result if the data type of a field was changed due to some reason(from double to string for example).
In such cases, we might have to change the change the data type in Select tool or add Tonumber() to the fields expression of the formula tool to make it work.

My proposal is to have a formula tool that should be dynamic to identify the purpose of expression and either add the Tonumber() expression while execution or convert the data type of the fields as per the requirements of the expressions in the formula.



Alteryx needs to package SAP, JD Edwards and ADNIS and BPCS connectors as part of it's native offering. This will increase the value proposition of Alteryx designer from just data blending to full self service ETL. Most of the large organizations have data extraction challenges and will experience business user empowerment and big productivity gains if native connectors and data extraction across major ERPs is enabled. Some of these productivity gains can in turn be used to make a business case for Alteryx designer licenses.




Random forest doesn't go well with missing values and create gibberish error results for Alteryx users.


Here are two quick options better to add the new version;

1) na.omit, which omits the cases form your data when tere a re missing values... you loose some observations though...




2) na.roughfixreplaces missing values with mean for continuous and mode for categorical variables





When developing a module, I generally BROWSE the final data until I'm ultimately ready to generate output.  Then I need to add or replace a browse tool with an output tool.  Perhaps a general purpose output tool could save time for developers where the output tool functions as a browse tool until the output is actually checked on the tool configuration.

Taking this a step further, if an output is defined and the module is executed one could have a row limit on the read of data into the browse function of an output tool and see the first N records within a browse/output tool.

Sneak Peek.


I'm not exactly sure where this would fall under, so, I just chose "Alteryx Apps". While Alteryx is widely becoming popular, and there is also an increasing need to convert R code to Alteryx. The idea is having an application or an add-on to convert R code when importing into the Alteryx environment. Or just the majority of it would help a lot.

Current AWS S3 upload and download uses Long term keys with Access and Secret Key which sometimes causes security risk. 


Adding Short term keys to the tool - will help to use session keys that gets changed after specific duration .



Here's a great idea and one that would save me ALOT of pain.


Can Alteryx validate that all of the inputs are valid before it begins to run a workflow?


For example, I am running a workflow that takes 4-5 mins to run each time, but it will only tell me that a file is missing or a connection is invalid when it needs to read that particular file/input (this could be one of the last tools to be read). What would be amazing is to have all the inputs checked first and then run the workflow.


Love you guys



Part time Tableau, Part Time Alteryx. Full Time Awesome

Hi All,


My company has been using Alteryx designer for several years now but recently started a pilot for Alteryx server. One of the issues we have found is users keep trying to publish workflows that have aliased data connections. As our current Gallery Admin, i do not have permission nor do I know the wide range of connections that the users are trying to connect to. W would like to give users the ability to create/publish an aliased connection directly to Gallery. When this happens, it would automatically add that user to the data connection. They would also be given the ability to share the data source just like they can share a work flow.

One of our goals with this pilot is to promote self service, but having users wait on Admins to create the connections slows their process down.

When building macros - we have the ability to put test data into the macro inputs, so that we can run them and know that the output is what we expected.    This is very helpful (and it also sets the type on the inputs)


However, for batch macros, there seems to be no way to provide test inputs for the Control Parameter.   So if I'm testing a batch macro that will take multiple dates as control params to run the process 3 times, then there's no way for me to test this during design / build without putting a test-macro around this (which then gets into the fact that I can't inspect what's going on without doing some funkiness)


Could we add the same capability to the Control Parameter as we have on the Macro Input to be able to specify sample input data?

Hi there,

We have a relatively large table that we are trying to analyse using the data-investigation tools - however the Field summary tool's interactive output seems to fail on this data set producing no output at all.    It produces no error message - just a blank output on the interactive output (the other two outputs are normally populated).


The table is 104 columns wide; 1.16M rows long; and 865 Mb in size excluding indices.


We put a random row select on this - and if we passed any more than 13100 rows into the Field Summary tool (with all 107 columns), then the interactive tool output is blank.    If we scale this back to 13000 rows or fewer, the Field summary interactive view works as expected (providing a frequency histogram on each field).


Is this a known issue - there was no warning provided to indicate that there was an overrun or anything similar?

Thank you




Here is a thought I posted about on my Alteryxuser blog: I interested in hearing your comments!

I was with my friends at Limited Brands yesterday and they pointed out to me a way to improve Alteryx.  While designing a workflow, each time you add an input tool to the canvas you literally have to start from scratch to add additional tables from either a db datasource or file source (e.g. access).  With other tools, you can drag multiple tables to the canvas at once and come back later and add more inputs without having to select your source, see a list of tables etcetera.


On their behalf (they may post another suggestion), I am posting this idea.




Shapefile generate 4 filetypes (shp, shx, dbf, prj). When Alteryx generates a shapefile, the latter 3 file types are in uppercase, only shp is in lowercase. Can you change all 4 filetypes to lowercase so we don't have problems reading them in linux?

Would be nice to have a place where general use macros or packages could be published by the community and then used within the designer.

Thinking of something along the lines of the NuGet package manager:

I would like to have the option in the Sort tool to sort by absolute value of a numeric column. Yes, I realize I can add a formula to calculate the absolute value, then sort, then remove the column, but I find that I do this frequently enough that it would be a good addition to the Sort tool. 

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