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Alteryx Designer Desktop Ideas

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I understand that the font types available for Interactive Charts is limited to 3 fonts. For tables and other parts of reporting there are more options. This makes it difficult to create a consistent report layout including e..g. one font type. I guess it is not to difficult to add all fonts available in reporting to the interactive chart tool?


I keep Connection Progress on "Show" by default. I find that the row count tooltips are crucial for spotting issues during development. Sometimes, the counts are huge and I have to mentally insert commas. Please give the option to add commas/decimals (based on US/EU standards) into the Connection Progress tooltips. Thank you.

When it comes to something going wrong in Alteryx the last thing I can ever remember is the email address to use for support. Instead of trying to remember whether to use customersuccess@ or clientsvcs@ why can't it just simply be support@?


At your time of need, please make it as simple as possible to get help.

May I suggest that you include a facility to word wrap the cell viewer in a browse. When working with long OuterXML strings, for example, it would be very useful to see the full extent of the string. 


Thank you

Using the download tool is great and easy to use. However, if there was a connection problem with a request the workflow errors out. Having an option to not error out, ability to skip failed records, and retrying records that failed would be A LIFE CHANGER. Currently I have been using a Python tool to create multi-threaded requests and is proven to be time consuming.

My company uses a network drive to store our macros and macro packs (like CReW). This way, all our designers can add the directory to the Macros tab in their User Settings and have the macros available to them instantly. We use macros more than many of the standard tools, so we add them to our Favorites toolbar. However, if we are working in Alteryx offline (not connected to our network), Alteryx can't find the macros. That's expected and totally okay......but when we reconnect to the network, Alteryx doesn't add the macros back to our Favorites. I would appreciate if Alteryx could make the Favorites smart enough to "remember" the file path of the macros that should be there so it can search for them each time Alteryx loads and show them if we are connected to the network.

I'd like to see the DateTimeLastOfMonth and DateTimeFirstOfMonth functions be more flexible then just getting the first or last date of the current month. It would be great if you could point to a date field and have it give the first or last date of that month. i.e  DateTimeLastOfMonth([randomdate]) and if the [randomdate] = December 3rd, 1981, the result would bring back 1981-12-31

A very simple idea, the same principle as the existing filter but there is only one output (true) and there is an on / off button. This could gives users the opportunity to put in a "what-if" gateway into their workflow. 


For example, your stakeholder has asked you to use 'all the data'. Whilst building the workflow, you notice that excluding 2016 data gives you a more accurate / representative end result. However, it is not necessarily your decision to exclude the 2016 data. You put in the Valve Filter tool:


Valve Filter On = Excludes the 2016 data.

Valve Filter Off = Allows all data to go through.


You are able to turn the filter on and off, run the workflow and see / demo different end results (instead of using a traditional filter and creating a separate workflow or a duplicated arm of a workflow).


Until your workflow is complete, you do not always know the full impact of the parameters / decisions you make along the way. The Valve Filter could give users more flexibility.

Currently I have to load data from an Eloqua instance. Unfortunately, there is no connector (apart from a third party connector). Eloqua has a a bulk API to export data. Extracting data involves several steps of GETs and POSTs which would be nice to have it done in one connector module.





I've been using desktop scheduler to download and parse out a streaming JSON file.  My script takes 4 seconds to execute, the data is updated on a per second basis.


Currently, my only option is to execute the scheduled job at the lowest level of granularity in the temporal at 1 minute. therefore I'm missing records.


Would it be possible to add a second(s) option to the scheduler?


I can see particular benefits from doing a CRON at under a minute, especially with event data capture.


Best Regards,



I recently updated my Redshift ODBC driver and encountered a "Primary Key required for Update option" from the Output Data tool. This is a workflow that had been running fine prior to the driver update.  Further testing confirmed that driver version up to and including  worked fine, but later versions including the current version all had the same issue.  


I opened Case #00311304, and was informed that the latest validated version is, which is quite old and no longer available for download.  


I am creating this idea to request that it is now necessary to make sure Alteryx is 100% compatible with the latest Redshift ODBC drivers. 

I use the cleanse tool a lot to remove extra spaces before and after my data.  Since most of my work is done in-DB, I have to datastream out, cleanse, and then datastream back in.  Would love to see an In-DB Cleanse tool added.

Can we have some support monitoring information added to the summary of each tool during/after a workflows run so we can determine how much memory is being used per component and per workflow run.  Not just what is the default minimum.  This will help to identify where in our workflow we can improve and/or help us by adjusting the default memory usage for sort/join tools on a workflow basis.

Sometime I confused DateTimeParse(dt,f) and DateTimeFormat(dt,f).

My idea is changing "DateTimeParse(dt,f)" to "DateTimeParse(string,f)" when we select DateTimeParse from function list.

Because DateTimeParse uses string type data as a first variables, not datetime type data.

No need to change DateTimeParse function itself.

As in power point, it would be great to repeat the last action done, such as drag again into the canvas the last tool that was drag, if you just selected some tools and aligned them vertically, then selected other tools, press F4 and align those too...

The ability to move around in the canvas, especially with larger workflows is phenomenal! You can move up and down with the scroll wheel, left and right by holding shift, and zoom in and out with control.


The results window is a different story. While zooming in and out might not be useful, shift + scroll to quickly and accurately slide through the results window would be amazing. Often when setting up the next tool, developers will reference the results window, and navigating to the correct field can be cumbersome, especially when the amount of fields quickly increase.

Apologize if this is already an idea, but I didn't see anything when searching through the ideas.

Current State: In current scenario, once we add a new tool to the workflow and want to see its output, we are required to run the complete workflow.


Challenge: This step takes a lot of time if the input data files are huge in size with million of rows and multiple tools are operating on them.


Suggestion/Idea: We could have a "freeze" functionality inbuilt or in tool palette to freeze a portion of workflow or an entire tool container which is not dependent on the output of the newly added tool. This would save time in running workflow.


Example: For example, in attached workflow snapshot, freezing the Tool container 1 while adding tools in Tool container 2 and then running those tools will take less processing time.

Have the option of creating and editing global constants within a workflow.


Rather than bringing in a text/numeric input and having this appended and connected to various parts of the workflow, a constant could be created and used in each instance for a cleaner, condensed workflow and robust usage of consistent data





With large tables it is tedious to search for a field. It would be a great efficiency gain to allow a user to search for a column in a table by entering a name or partial column name. 

The #bandofsolvers community has come up with many creative ways to determine if an 'output' action is complete before proceeding with next steps. However, what we really need is an optional output anchor added to (all?) tools in this class.


For example, currently if we need to Output Data to the same file 3 times, we have to put logic in place to make sure that the 3 updates happen in the correct sequence and do not interfere with each other. Or if we need to Render a file and perform additional modifications or file actions on that new file (e.g. ACL using icacls), we have to put checks in place to wait for the render to complete and make sure the file is freed by the write step.


However, if we could have at minimum an optional output anchor pass a Boolean flag indicating the 'output' class tool is complete, that would help tremendously! Even more helpful would be a xml/json object containing the tool configuration. Additionally, data/metadata 'pass-through' could be helpful in some situations as well.


I understand that this simple request could be significant change to the structure of the program, but throwing it out there for the 'Idea' space! 🙂

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