Alteryx Designer Desktop Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Designer Desktop experts.
When a folder name starts with a period (.), the Input Data tool throws a "Can't find the file" error.
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Saving a workflow to Gallery fails with an error if there is a configuration issue with "On Success - Show Results to User" option in the Interface Designer window.
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When querying data with ROWID using Oracle OCI driver with the Input Data and Connecting IN-DB tools will result in the following errors: "You have found a bug".
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Receive error “Get Table List Error: Win32 Exception” when connecting to Databricks.
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When using a Python-based connector (e.g. Salesforce Input, Azure Data Lake File Input), an error message referring to CERTIFICATE_VERIFY_FAILED appears. With the new releases of the connectors tools there are three additional errors that can happen and can be resolved with these steps.
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Error: "Input Data (1117): Internal Error: Invalid parameter detected in function (null). File: (null) Line: 0 Expression: (null)." when pulling data from PostgreSQL
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When connecting to Databricks and querying long text fields, the data being returned is truncated to 254 characters.
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Error being returned via the Select Tool functionality for field names with updated case type.
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Workaround for defect TDCB-1263/DE20744 that was fixed in Designer version 2021.4.
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Opening an Excel binary file (.XLSB) in an Input Data Tool crashes Designer if Windows patches are not installed.
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Information to know about connectors not connecting when a endpoint has Zscaler installed.
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How to troubleshoot a blank "Product Downloads" section or versions not listed on the Downloads & Licenses page
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Find and Replace function in Designer causes default annotations in matching tools to disappear.
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When trying to connect to a snowflake database, I am getting the error CURLerror (curl_easy_perform() failed) - code = 6 msg = 'Couldn't resolve host name'.
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A column with spatial data and spaces in the column name throws a "Incorrect syntax" error when reading from or writing to SQL Server.
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When attempting to output to SQL table with only one column, the "No value column to update" error is thrown.
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After connecting to Sharepoint URL with Client ID and Secret, Tenant ID, and selecting the Lists option, no lists are displayed
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"Failed to read port assignment" occurs when using AYX Python SDK with protobuf greater than version 3.
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On setting up a SYSTEM connection on the designer, the connection is added as a user connection. The connection is saved to the UserAlias.xml file and not the SystemAlias.xml file.
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Error: "The following fields are not updatable members of the target table" received when performing an update to a record with the Salesforce Output Tool. The column is locked for editing by your Salesforce Administrator or is the incorrect primary key to reference for updating the record.
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