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action tool

Inactive User
Not applicable

Hi, team. I have many columns in the data set. I want to multiply 2 columns and want to give user values how it is changing but those 2 columns are not coming up in the action tool. Please help 



17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @Inactive User,

If you want to update a select tool I would recommend using a drop down box or list box:


They give this nice option in the action tool which makes it easy:


Any questions or issues please ask :)



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Hi @Inactive User : I can't see where you're action tool is connected. Can you show in your screenshot and/or upload your workflow? You need to ensure that the columns in question exist in the step in your workflow to which you are attaching the Action Tool.

19 - Altair

numeric up down is used to input a number. Select tool is used to choose a field. A field is stored as "[fieldname]"  - which is not a number.


If you want to have the user choose numbers connect your action tools to a two column text input which has two numbers in it (say [field1] and [field2]) have the action tools update row 1/column 1 and row1/column 2. use a formula tool to have [field1]*[field2] and attach a browse. use interface designer to configure your browse tool to show on output.


You would use a dropdown or list box tool with a select tool (in update select mode) or a text input field with a select (in other modes). There is obviously some variation here but using a numeric up down with a select tool would be incredibly unusual (I personally can't think of a use-case where I'd do this - but I'm sure it exists).
