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Solution (in Progress) - Workflow to find all Datasources & Outputs

8 - Asteroid

Thought I would share something that I had been working on for a while.


It's designed to find all the inputs and outputs for both Alteryx Workflows and Tableau Reports. It still needs a little work, but it's great if you ever have asked yourself the questions "which workflow did I use to create that file - and where did I save it?"


It can also be used to identify potential issues if databases change - columns dropped for example - then you can work out which workflows may fail and then which (tableau) reports may fail.


Basically it goes through the xml of the workflows/workbooks and finds everything that should be an input or output. There's a few things I'd like to finish, but it's almost there.


I did output into a spreadsheet and it's incredibly useful to find workflows.



8 - Asteroid

Hi Nik, could you explain what is happening with the dynamic input? It has your path listed and it works, but if I change it to anything else I can't get it to run. 

8 - Asteroid

Apologies for the late reply


The dynamic inputs can be any Alteryx or Tableau workbook and read it in as a fixed width file. They are essentially read in as one column xml files
