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Excel XLSB Input

5 - Atom

Hi Everyone, I've read through multiple posts about people having issues not seeing "*.XLSB" being listed as an input type for Excel files in Alteryx. The majority of these issues were fixed by either upgrading to a newer version of installing the Microsoft Access Driver. However, I have done both and I am still unable to use such input types. 


Any advice would be appreciated as this is currently blocking our Alteryx development since we use a lot of XLSB files as part of our Third Party requirements. 


Current Alteryx Version: 2021.2.3.07036 X64 -- Non-Admin

Current Microsoft Access: Microsoft Access For Microsoft 365 MSO Version 2022 Build 16.0.14931.20652) X64

Current ODBC Drivers: (See Screenshot Below) 

Current Alteryx Input Selection Options: (See Second Screenshot Below)









17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hey @XavierB,

There is a macro on the gallery which lets you import .XLSB files here: Read_All_Excel_Files - Alteryx Community. Full blog showing its use is here:

The Ultimate Alteryx Holiday gift of 2015: Read AL... - Alteryx Community


Any questions or issues please ask

Ira Watt
Technical Consultant 

5 - Atom

Thanks for the reply. Unfortunately my organization does not allow us to run scripts without getting the approval of IT. Therefore the Macro option you provided is not going to work for us. It was my understanding that xlsb files should be natively supported by Alteryx without the need to use additional third party resources to import the data. 

11 - Bolide

Can you drag and drop your .xlsb file onto the canvas?

And you don't have .xlsb as an option like this when you click on Files within the Input tool?

I'm on a lower version and get these options.  Could it be something where your IT doesn't allow?



7 - Meteor

I am having this issue with *.xlsb files as well (Alteryx Designer 2022.1.1.30961).
@robind I do have the option you showed, however when I use it. the file options come up as:



Reading some other threads, I see comments about using Microsoft Access Database Engine Redistributable 2010. In my company we are restricted to Microsoft Access Database Engine Redistributable 2016 (2010 has been replaced due to some vulnerability). However, I am unable to open *.xlsb files with version.  Is anyone else having this issue?

7 - Meteor

I have been looking around and on a Qlik Sense forum Qlik Sense forum - Macro or batch to convert .xlsb to .xlsx Vanraj Dinesh Bohra posted the following Excel VB macro to batch convert your *.xlsb files to *.xlsx.  It's not as good as a native Alteryx solution for this problem, but if like me you are restricted/have non-Admin access to your machine it may be a good solution.


Sub LoopFiles()

WorkingDir = "C:\Temp\XLSBFiles"
extension = "xlsb"

Dim fso, myFolder, fileColl, aFile, FileName, SaveName
Dim objExcel, objWorkbook

Set fso = CreateObject("Scripting.FilesystemObject")
Set myFolder = fso.GetFolder(WorkingDir)
Set fileColl = myFolder.Files
Set objExcel = CreateObject("Excel.Application")
objExcel.Visible = False
objExcel.DisplayAlerts = False

For Each aFile In fileColl

ext = Right(aFile.Name, 4)
If UCase(ext) = UCase(extension) Then

'open excel
FileName = Left(aFile, InStrRev(aFile, "."))
Set objWorkbook = objExcel.Workbooks.Open(aFile)
SaveName = FileName & "xlsx"
objWorkbook.SaveAs SaveName, 51

End If


Set objWorkbook = Nothing
Set objExcel = Nothing
Set fso = Nothing
Set myFolder = Nothing
Set fileColl = Nothing

End Sub
