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Ownership bulk assignment from front-end

Hi Alteryx team,


Currently, there is a possibility to 'bulk certify' assets from the front-end using the Bulk operations functionality. Would it be possible to add also the 'bulk ownership' assignment feature?


We are aware that it is possible to assign owners using the Excel bulk upload, however, for a lot of users it is much more convenient and straightforward to do it directly from the front-end application.


This would really simplify the governance of assets in a large source systems like SAP HANAs, where certain users own large amount assets. It would enable data stewards to filter the respective assets using the built-in search functionality and assign the owners for the filtered subsets.





Thank you very much for considering this idea.



Jan Laznicka

4 Kommentare
Status geändert in: New Idea

Yes, such feature is already on our roadmap. Not only changing ownership, but bulk edits in general, i.e. any fields. 


Hi Vojtech,


That is great news! Looking forward.




Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status geändert in: Coming Soon

Thank you for your feedback, I'm updating this idea to coming soon as this feature will be available in an upcoming release!

Status geändert in: Implemented

Hi, bulk edit feature has been implemented in the 2020.3 version. That allows you to add, replace, or remove a value for selected field(s). The bulk edit can be used not only on a list of assets but also in the advanced search results pane.

So, in case like changing ownership of assets, you can

1) search for assets owned by given person

2) select which assets you want to change ownership of

3) open bulk edit dialogue window, select Owner field, select Replace action and select which User should be the new owner.

Hope you will like it and we would like to hear your feedback.