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Batch File that Launches a URL on Tableau Server

11 - Bolide

I have a workflow that is supposed to launch a batch file that goes to a specific URL For tableau to force a refresh of the data connected to workbook. 


If I run the batch file locally on the server it launches Chrome fine. 


@echo off
Title Start and Kill Internet Explorer
Mode con cols=75 lines=5 & color 0B
echo                     Launching Dashboard...
Start "" "chrome.exe" ""
:: Sleep for 10 seconds, you can change the SleepTime variable
set SleepTime=30
Timeout /T %SleepTime% /NoBreak>NUL
Cls & Color 0C
echo              Killing Internet Explorer Please wait for a while ...
Taskkill /IM "chrome.exe" /F

However, when the workflow runs through the web interface on the server it says it ran successfully but I have no way to validate that the browser is opening as it isn't happening live on Server.  Is there an easier way to accomplish this? 


I need this URL to be opened every 12 hours. 




15 - Aurora

Hey @aehrenwo


A couple of thoughts here...


  1. You can use the data last refreshed field in a Tableau workbook to see if the data was actually refreshed or not
  2. If your running a batch file, why are you using a workflow and not using windows scheduler?
11 - Bolide

I actually just started playing around the task scheduler. I was having trouble figuring out where it saved the task once I created it.  I think I am good to go. 


But thank you also for the option to check the refresh data on Tableau directly.