
Community news, customer stories, and more!
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Congratulations to our Top Contributors!  Or should I say Icons of  the Alteryx Community.


Top Star Authors

May 2017_Top Star Authors.png



Top Solution Authors

May 2017_Top Solution Authors.png



Big shout out to Nicole Johnson for breaking into the top three in both Solutions and Stars during the month of May!


While we may have fallen a bit behind on recognizing our top contributors on the community this past month, we sure had fun celebrating them at Inspire 2017 in Las Vegas!  With that in mind, it is only fitting to leverage this month’s Wildcard category to give a shout out to the top contributors who received some major props at the conference last week.


During @LDuane's inspiring keynote, @MarqueeCrew was recognized for his astonishing contributions to the Alteryx Community, time and time again. For those of you who don't know, Mark has contributed to just about 10% of our community's total solution count... which is INSANE!


2017 Alteryx Community Top Contributor2017 Alteryx Community Top Contributor

@Deanna and @TaraM received the inaugural Alteryx For Good champion awards, and @patrick_digan (who frequents the monthly top contributors blog) was announced as an ACE!


2017 Alteryx For Good Champions2017 Alteryx For Good Champions

New ACE'sNew ACE's

Congrats to all!


Last but not least, we were honored to have had the opportunity to take a group of our Top Contributors out for a night on the town. Thank you to all who were able to join us!  I was VERY impressed with how good everyone was at Golf! Especially @Coxta45...


Alteryx Community Top Contributors EventAlteryx Community Top Contributors Event 


Be sure to check back each month as we continue to celebrate our top contributors - Great job everyone!

Leah Knowles
Senior Manager, Community Management & Programs

Leah is responsible for building and growing engagement programs that enable community members to make the most of the Alteryx product suite. She is passionate about building customer communities to collaborate and solve real world business problems, and believes that connecting with people and building relationships leads to better work. Follow her on twitter @LeahMKnowles

Leah is responsible for building and growing engagement programs that enable community members to make the most of the Alteryx product suite. She is passionate about building customer communities to collaborate and solve real world business problems, and believes that connecting with people and building relationships leads to better work. Follow her on twitter @LeahMKnowles
