Alteryx Community Ideas

What can we do to make your Alteryx Community experience better? Let us know!

Filter and sort my ideas by type and time

It would be great if we could filter our own posts by type (idea, blog, etc,) to better manage our history and perhaps follow up on previous posts.
17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Agree with you Josh  - only way I've found to do this so-far is to use Lithium API to create my own index of these ideas and posts.

7 - Meteor

@SeanAdams Couldn't agree more, else we get lost managing  our threads and following up on them.

Alteryx Community Team
Alteryx Community Team
Status changed to: Under Review

Hi Josh,


This is a great idea. Right now really the only way to track posts is to either Bookmark them or Subscribe to the user. This is a limitation of the platform we use, but we can make this request and see if they can add that functionality to the platform. I am going to mark this as "Under Review" and see what we can do, but again this may be a limitation of the platform and we may not be able to implement.


Thanks Josh!



Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Comments Requested

I realize I am replying to this after several months now, but I wanted to call attention to some functionality that exists with the community platform today.


If you want to only see posts of a certain type, you can add the following argument to your URL: /interaction-style/<insert-interaction-style-here>


What are the different types of interaction styles you ask? Those would be forum, blog, idea, group, and tkb


If, for example, I wanted to see all recent posts made within forums by @JoshKushner, I could navigate to this URL:


For those of you looking for even more specificity, the following arguments are also ones you can add:

  • /post-type/thread/ (you can use thread or message here - thread will only show topics, where message will show all)
  • /category-id/alteryx-designer/ (where alteryx-designer is the category in question)
  • /board-id/designer-discussions/ (where designer-discussions is the forum/blog/idea/group/tkb in question)

Is this useful to you @JoshKushner@SeanAdams, and @Deeksha? Or are you looking for something else?

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Inactive
Alteryx Alumni (Retired)
Status changed to: Implemented

Hi @JoshKushner you can actually now do this with our improved search. Select yourself as the author, narrow down your search as desired (i.e. Ideas in your example), and optionally, sort them.