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R-tool, ggbuild and alteryx - writing output

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Hi guys,


I have written some code that allows me to create a violin plot in R Studio using the ggplot package.


It's quite simple...


ggplot(LifeExpectancy,aes(Range,X))+ geom_violin()


LifeExpectancy being my data set. Range being my categories and X being my measure.


I have inputted this into the R-tool in alteryx and have succesfully recreated the plot (adding code that calls and activates the ggplot package).


However, the aim of was to be able to recreate a violin plot in Tableau, and use alteryx to manipulate the data to do so.


I have written a code which pulls the data I need to do so.


ggplut_build(ggplot(LifeExpectancy,aes(Range,X))+ geom_violin())


In R-Studio I can write a code using the Marray tool which allows me to output this as a file called "Violin", i can then input this data set and create a workflow in alteryx that solves the problem I need.


write.list(ggplot_build(ggplot(Life,aes(Range, X))+ geom_violin()), filename = "Violin", append = FALSE, closefile = TRUE, outfile)


However, I cannot write a code within the alteryx R-Tool that succesfully provides me with a written output which then goes straight into my tableau manipulation workflow.


Does anyone have any solutions that I could try, or any experience writing complex outputs with the R-Tool in alteryx? I beleive the solution is to some how manipulate the ggplot_build (which outputs as a list) into a data frame, which I beleive can be outputted within the R-tool.


Any help is appreciated!


Documents that may help are attached.


ViolinBuild.yxmd - my alteryx workflow which turns my written file output from R into a tableau suitable format.


R-Tool.yxmd - my workflow that uses the R-Tool to install the ggplot package and then run the ggplot_build function.


LifeExpectancy.csv - my dataset




ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus

Issue resolved by replacing the write.list function which would succesfully output in R-Studio with the layer_data tool.


So changing... 


write.list(ggplot_build(ggplot(Life,aes(Range, X))+ geom_violin()), filename = "Violin", append = FALSE, closefile = TRUE, outfile) 




layer_data(ggplot(LifeExpectancy,aes(Range, X))+ geom_violin() , i = 1L)


Thanks to Phil Lowe of The Information Lab for his help.



5 - Atom

Hi Ben,


Hope are doing good !


Finally I trapped you on Alteryx Community. (I tried to connect with you on YouTube (comment section of Youtube), Linkedin and Twitter.)


I wanted to understand this magical process.


How do I approach Violin and Contour plots in Tableau ?





*** Note :- I am new user to Alteryx :(
