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Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

常にお客様の問題を解決するために Alteryx を使用している Alteryx ACE の小澤祐也さんにもお話を聞いてみましょう。最初のころはお客様から「 Alteryx をデータの前処理に使いたい」と言われていたのが、最近は「データの分析そのものに利用したい。データの準備に時間がかからなくなって余裕ができたので Alteryx を使用して AI など、今まで出来ていなかったことにチャレンジしたい」という声が聞かれるようになったそうです。


Bow Techataveekijkul
Customer Advocacy & Community Lead

As a Customer Advocacy and Community Lead, Bow is here to make sure that the Alteryx community is up and running smoothly. She believes in the power of community and enjoys connecting with people. She is also a very passionate Aerialist and Pole dancer. Linkedin:

As a Customer Advocacy and Community Lead, Bow is here to make sure that the Alteryx community is up and running smoothly. She believes in the power of community and enjoys connecting with people. She is also a very passionate Aerialist and Pole dancer. Linkedin: