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After all is said and done, more is said than doneAnonymous09-JAN-1856Oops! The RandomInt field is missing. This record should be rejected into a bad file. I want to see you shoot the way you shoutTeddy Roosevelt Nov 16, 1900This record is valid but the date is in MMMbDD,bYYYY format. get someone else to do it.15-APR-1944This record is valid but has a carriage return in the middle of the quote. Why do they call it rush hour when nothing moves?Mork27-JUN-70This record is valid but has only a two-year date. I'm taking the Ryanair approach to it: subcontracting everythingMichael O'Leary23-MAY-2011This record is valid and has a single quote in the two text fields. I Xeroxed a mirror. Now I have an extra Xerox machine."Steven Wright30-JUN-06This record is valid but has a trailing double quote that should be part fo the text field. Freidrich Engels01-AUG-08This record is missing the first field, the quote. This record should be rejected in a bad file. 'He's so old his social security number is two digits.'Brian Morgan Jan 5 2000This record is valid but the quote is surrounded by single quotes, the date is an unconventional format and the integer has a fractional part. "I was the best man at the wedding.So why is she marrying him?"Jerry Seinfeld09-July-2001This record is valid but has a carriage return in the quote and the month is fully specified in the date. "When my wife was asked, "Do you take this man for richer or poorer..." she answered, "For richer!""Anonymous21-May-07This record is valid. "These are the continuing voyagesTo boldly split infinitives"Gene Roddenberry16-SEP-69This record is valid but contains the record separator within quotes. "The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep.W.C.Fields4-SEP-00The quote field has a beginning but not a trailing double quote. This record could be rejected. I don't even butter my bread; I consider that cooking.,Katherine Cebrian, 08-may-2003,This record uses commas instead of pipes as the field delimiter and can be rejected. It matters not whether you win or lose; what mattes is whether I win or lose.Darrin Weinberg21-MAR-2005This is a valid record but the integer starts off with a zero, which shouldn't be confused for an octal number. Smoking is one of the leading causes of statistics.Fletcher Knebel24-OCT-1989This record contains an invalid RandomInt. I tried to think but nothing happened!"Curly"'11-AUG-1935'This is a valid record but the fields are sometimes contained in quotes. F:\AlteryxServer\Workspace\Engine\Engine_91536_f9350746fb3044bbba90721b2f0fe38e_\Engine_13056_57e7b22abd4043939aa20006b492ff2d_.yxdb Single Table He who sleeps on the floor will not fall off the bed.Robert Gronock16-APR-2005This is a valid record. 2005-04-16 After all is said and done, more is said than doneAnonymous09-JAN-1856Oops! The RandomInt field is missing. This record should be rejected into a bad file. 1856-01-09 I want to see you shoot the way you shoutTeddy Roosevelt Nov 16, 1900This record is valid but the date is in MMMbDD,bYYYY format. 1900-11-16 get someone else to do it.15-APR-1944This record is valid but has a carriage return in the middle of the quote. 1944-04-15 Why do they call it rush hour when nothing moves?Mork27-JUN-70This record is valid but has only a two-year date. 1970-06-27 I'm taking the Ryanair approach to it: subcontracting everythingMichael O'Leary23-MAY-2011This record is valid and has a single quote in the two text fields. 2011-05-23 I Xeroxed a mirror. Now I have an extra Xerox machine."Steven Wright30-JUN-06This record is valid but has a trailing double quote that should be part fo the text field. 2006-06-30 Freidrich Engels01-AUG-08This record is missing the first field, the quote. This record should be rejected in a bad file. 2008-08-01 'He's so old his social security number is two digits.'Brian Morgan Jan 5 2000This record is valid but the quote is surrounded by single quotes, the date is an unconventional format and the integer has a fractional part. 2000-01-05 "I was the best man at the wedding.So why is she marrying him?"Jerry Seinfeld09-July-2001This record is valid but has a carriage return in the quote and the month is fully specified in the date. 2001-07-09 "When my wife was asked, "Do you take this man for richer or poorer..." she answered, "For richer!""Anonymous21-May-07This record is valid. 2007-05-21 "These are the continuing voyagesTo boldly split infinitives"Gene Roddenberry16-SEP-69This record is valid but contains the record separator within quotes. 1969-09-16 "The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep.W.C.Fields4-SEP-00The quote field has a beginning but not a trailing double quote. This record could be rejected. 2000-09-04 I don't even butter my bread; I consider that cooking.,Katherine Cebrian, 08-may-2003,This record uses commas instead of pipes as the field delimiter and can be rejected. 2003-05-08 It matters not whether you win or lose; what mattes is whether I win or lose.Darrin Weinberg21-MAR-2005This is a valid record but the integer starts off with a zero, which shouldn't be confused for an octal number. 2005-03-21 Smoking is one of the leading causes of statistics.Fletcher Knebel24-OCT-1989This record contains an invalid RandomInt. 1989-10-24 I tried to think but nothing happened!"Curly"'11-AUG-1935'This is a valid record but the fields are sometimes contained in quotes. 1935-08-11 F:\AlteryxServer\Workspace\Engine\Engine_91536_f9350746fb3044bbba90721b2f0fe38e_\Engine_13056_aff833ffa6594800bb5bfe8f24e9596f_.yxdb Single Profile
He who sleeps on the floor will not fall off the bed.Robert Gronock16-APR-2005This is a valid record. After all is said and done, more is said than doneAnonymous09-JAN-1856Oops! The RandomInt field is missing. This record should be rejected into a bad file. I want to see you shoot the way you shoutTeddy Roosevelt Nov 16, 1900This record is valid but the date is in MMMbDD,bYYYY format. get someone else to do it.15-APR-1944This record is valid but has a carriage return in the middle of the quote. Why do they call it rush hour when nothing moves?Mork27-JUN-70This record is valid but has only a two-year date. I'm taking the Ryanair approach to it: subcontracting everythingMichael O'Leary23-MAY-2011This record is valid and has a single quote in the two text fields. I Xeroxed a mirror. Now I have an extra Xerox machine."Steven Wright30-JUN-06This record is valid but has a trailing double quote that should be part fo the text field. Freidrich Engels01-AUG-08This record is missing the first field, the quote. This record should be rejected in a bad file. 'He's so old his social security number is two digits.'Brian Morgan Jan 5 2000This record is valid but the quote is surrounded by single quotes, the date is an unconventional format and the integer has a fractional part. "I was the best man at the wedding.So why is she marrying him?"Jerry Seinfeld09-July-2001This record is valid but has a carriage return in the quote and the month is fully specified in the date. "When my wife was asked, "Do you take this man for richer or poorer..." she answered, "For richer!""Anonymous21-May-07This record is valid. "These are the continuing voyagesTo boldly split infinitives"Gene Roddenberry16-SEP-69This record is valid but contains the record separator within quotes. "The best cure for insomnia is to get a lot of sleep.W.C.Fields4-SEP-00The quote field has a beginning but not a trailing double quote. This record could be rejected. I don't even butter my bread; I consider that cooking.,Katherine Cebrian, 08-may-2003,This record uses commas instead of pipes as the field delimiter and can be rejected. It matters not whether you win or lose; what mattes is whether I win or lose.Darrin Weinberg21-MAR-2005This is a valid record but the integer starts off with a zero, which shouldn't be confused for an octal number. Smoking is one of the leading causes of statistics.Fletcher Knebel24-OCT-1989This record contains an invalid RandomInt. I tried to think but nothing happened!"Curly"'11-AUG-1935'This is a valid record but the fields are sometimes contained in quotes. Field_1 ParseComplex Field_1 Warn Field_1_Matched String Dates = if [RegExOut1] != "" then [RegExOut1] elseif [RegExOut2] != "" th... F:\AlteryxServer\Workspace\Engine\Engine_91536_f9350746fb3044bbba90721b2f0fe38e_\Engine_13056_ba216668d1f445ce82c770e1437f461c_.yxdb Single Profile
Horizontal challenge_4_mysolution