Supplied Benchmark Data Supplied Survey Data Department Customer Operations Customer Support HR Training Q1:I understand how my role contributes to the company's mission. 4.1 5.8 5.3 5.1 Q2:My work is recognized by leadership. 4.8 4.6 5.4 4.4 Q3:I have access to the resources I need to achieve success. 6.1 5.7 5.2 4 Q4:I would recommend this workplace. 5.8 4.2 6.2 4.5 Q5:I feel informed of Senior Leadership's strategies and vision. 5.2 4.6 4.1 3.9 Capstone Exercise Final State Final State - Capstone.yxdb Final State - Capstone.yxdb Warn , Warn Custom [RecordID] = 2 or [RecordID] = 4 or [RecordID] = 6 or [RecordID] = 8 or [Recor... RecordID 1 Int32 6 0 Engagment Data.xlsx|||`Sheet1$` False 1 Engagment Data.xlsx Table=`Sheet1$` First 4 First 4 Skip 4 Skip 1st 4 Name Last Warn 1, "REVIEW", " ") ]]> Horizontal Capstone_solution