const MDCSelect =; const MDCSelectFoundation =; const MDCSnackbar = mdc.snackbar.MDCSnackbar; const MDCSnackbarFoundation = mdc.snackbar.MDCSnackbarFoundation; //var gallery = studioUrl = studioKey = studioSecret = null; var ga = null; var encryptedSecret = false; var messages = new MDCSnackbar(document.querySelector('.mdc-snackbar')); var postJsEventWithCallback = window.Alteryx.Gui.Utils.Functions.postJsEventWithCallback; var validateUrl = function(url) { url = url.trim(); var httpTest = new RegExp("^(http|https)://", "i"); if (!httpTest.test(url)) { url = "http://" + url; } if (url.charAt(url.length - 1) == "/") { url = url.substr(0, url.length - 1); } var apiTest = new RegExp("\/api\/v1", "i"); if (!apiTest.test(url)){ url = url + "/api/v1"; } return url; } var atxEncrypt = function(unencyrpted, callback) { postJsEventWithCallback( 'Encrypt', {text: unencyrpted}, function(encryptedString) { callback(encryptedString); }); } var atxDecrypt = function(encrypted, callback) { postJsEventWithCallback( 'Decrypt', {text: encrypted}, function(decryptedString) { callback(decryptedString); }); } var updateSecret = function(text) { $('#StudioSecret').val(text); } var login = function(callback) { var studioUrl = $('#StudioUrl').val(); var studioKey = $('#StudioKey').val() var studioSecret = $('#StudioSecret').val(); atxDecrypt(studioSecret, function(decryptedSecret) { ga = new Gallery(studioUrl, studioKey, decryptedSecret); callback(); }); } var getApps = function(gallery, callback) { gallery.getSubscriptionWorkflows(function(workflows) { callback(workflows); }, function(err) { console.log(err); var messageObj = { message: "Login Error: " + err.responseJSON.message, timeout: 5000, multiline: true }; }); } var setWorkflowUI = function(gallery, id, callback) { gallery.getAppQuestions(id, function(q) { $('#workflowInterface').html(''); for (var i = 0; i < q.length; i++) { var question = q[i]; $('#workflowInterface').append(getQuestionUI(question, i)); if (question.type == "QuestionListBox" && question.multiple == "False") { var root = document.getElementById(i+"select"); var nativeSelect = root.querySelector('.mdc-select__native-control'); var select = new; } else if (question.type == "QuestionRadioGroup") {'radio')); } else if (question.type == "QuestionDate") { const input = document.getElementById(i); const picker = new MaterialDatetimePicker() .on('submit', (val) => { input.value = val.format("DD/MM/YYYY"); $('#'+i).parent().addClass('mdc-text-field--upgraded'); $('#'+i).next().addClass('mdc-floating-label--float-above'); }); input.addEventListener('focus', () =>; mdc.textField.MDCTextField.attachTo(document.getElementById(i+'text')); } else { if(document.getElementById(i+'text')) { mdc.textField.MDCTextField.attachTo(document.getElementById(i+'text')); } } } callback(); }, function(err) { console.log(err); var messageObj = { message: "App UI Error: " + err.responseJSON.message, timeout: 5000, multiline: true }; }); } var getQuestionUI = function(question, id) { var html = ""; if (question.type == "QuestionListBox" && question.multiple == "False") { var options = question.items; html += `
` } else if (question.type == "QuestionRadioGroup") { //Radio selection html += `
` } else if (question.type == "QuestionNumericUpDown") { var upgraded = float = value = ""; if (question.value && question.value != "") { upgraded = " mdc-text-field--upgraded"; float = " mdc-floating-label--float-above"; value = ' value="'+question.value+'"' } html += `
` } else if (question.type == "QuestionTextBox") { //text box var type = upgraded = float = value = ""; var desc = question.description; desc = desc.toLowerCase(); if (desc.indexOf('password') > -1 || desc.indexOf('secret') > -1 ) { type = "password"; } else { type = "text"; } if (question.value && question.value != "") { upgraded = " mdc-text-field--upgraded"; float = " mdc-floating-label--float-above"; value = ' value="'+question.value+'"' } html += `
` } else if (question.type == "QuestionDate") { //Date selector var upgraded = float = value = ""; if (question.value && question.value != "") { upgraded = " mdc-text-field--upgraded"; float = " mdc-floating-label--float-above"; value = ' value="'+question.value+'"' } html += `
` } else if (question.type == "QuestionBooleanGroup") { var value = ""; if (question.value && question.value == "True") { value = ' checked'; } html += `
` } else if (question.type == "QuestionListBox" && question.multiple == "True") { html += `
` for (var i = 0; i < question.items.length; i++) { var item = question.items[i]; html += `
` } html += `
` } else { //Catch all text box var upgraded = float = value = ""; if (question.value && question.value != "") { upgraded = " mdc-text-field--upgraded"; float = " mdc-floating-label--float-above"; value = ' value="'+question.value+'"' } html += `
` } return html; } var setAlteryxConfig = function(studioUrl, studioKey, studioSecret, workflows, responses, annotation) { window.Alteryx.JsEvent(JSON.stringify({ Event: 'GetConfiguration', Configuration: { Configuration: { StudioUrl: studioUrl, StudioKey: studioKey, StudioSecret: studioSecret, Workflow: workflows, Responses: responses }, Annotation: annotation } })); } window.Alteryx.Gui = { SetConfiguration: function (currentToolConfiguration) { // Grab the values from the incoming tool configuration, and set the UI if (currentToolConfiguration && currentToolConfiguration.IsFirstConfig === false) { var studioUrl = currentToolConfiguration.Configuration.Configuration.StudioUrl; var studioKey = currentToolConfiguration.Configuration.Configuration.StudioKey; var studioSecret = currentToolConfiguration.Configuration.Configuration.StudioSecret; var workflow = currentToolConfiguration.Configuration.Configuration.Workflow; var signin = true; var uiConfig = currentToolConfiguration.Configuration.Configuration.Responses; if (studioUrl && studioUrl != "") { $('#StudioUrl').parent().addClass('mdc-text-field--upgraded'); $('#StudioUrl').next().addClass('mdc-floating-label--float-above'); $('#StudioUrl').val(studioUrl); } else { signin = false; } if (studioKey && studioKey != "") { $('#StudioKey').parent().addClass('mdc-text-field--upgraded'); $('#StudioKey').next().addClass('mdc-floating-label--float-above'); $('#StudioKey').val(studioKey); } else { signin = false; } if (studioSecret && studioSecret != "") { $('#StudioSecret').parent().addClass('mdc-text-field--upgraded'); $('#StudioSecret').next().addClass('mdc-floating-label--float-above'); $('#StudioSecret').val(studioSecret); $('#encryptedSecret').val('true'); } else { signin = false; } if (signin) { $($('._mdc-stepper__step')[0]).addClass('_mdc-stepper__step--done'); $($('._mdc-stepper__step')[1]).addClass('_mdc-stepper__step--active'); login(function() { getApps(ga, function(apps) { for (var i = 0; i < apps.length; i++) { var app = apps[i]; var option = ""; $('#workflows').append(option); } if (workflow && workflow != "") { $('#workflows option[value='+workflow+']').attr('selected','selected'); $('#workflows').next().addClass('mdc-floating-label--float-above'); setWorkflowUI(ga, $('#workflows').find(":selected").val(), function() { if (uiConfig && uiConfig != "") { atxDecrypt(uiConfig, function(config) { var responses = JSON.parse(config); for (var i = 0; i < responses.length; i++) { var response = responses[i]; var tag = $('[data-name="''"]')[0]; if ($(tag).is("div")) { var checkboxes = JSON.parse(response.value); for (var j=0; j"""; $('#workflows').append(option); } }); }); }); let drawer = new mdc.drawer.MDCTemporaryDrawer(document.querySelector('.mdc-drawer--temporary')); document.querySelector('.menu').addEventListener('click', () => = true); var root = document.getElementById('app-select'); var nativeSelect = root.querySelector('.mdc-select__native-control'); var select = new; root.addEventListener('change', function() { //console.log($('#workflows').find(":selected").val()); setWorkflowUI(ga, $('#workflows').find(":selected").val(), function() { }); }); $(document).on("click", "._mdc-stepper__step", function(args) { // if the title or label was clicked, toggle the active state if('_mdc-stepper__step__title') ||'_mdc-stepper__step__label')){ $(this).toggleClass("_mdc-stepper__step--active"); } }); });