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I enjoy finding answers to the why, what and how questions that help me figure out the value drivers, business insights and risk areas of companies that I do due diligence on. Alteryx saves me from drowning in Excel files that do not talk to each other and the endless Ctrl-C Ctrl-V to join disparate files. I love sharing my Alteryx learning path and discoveries with my team and enable them to raise the level of their games, too.

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Name Dawn Duong
Location au
Date Registered ‎02-03-2019 06:23 PM
Date Last Visited Monday
Total Messages Posted 694
Total Likes Received 458

My Certifications

Alteryx Designer Expert

Expert-level ability to fully leverage Alteryx Designer to solve real-world, complex scenarios while demonstrating critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Alteryx Predictive Master

Mastery of Alteryx Designer predictive analytics and machine learning tools in advanced data investigation and preparation, building and interpreting models, and making predictions.

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