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Nez is an experienced BI & Automation Lead in the financial services industry. Recognized as a certified analytics expert, she is the only Alteryx ACE in ANZ – one of the 2 female ACEs in the Asia Pacific region. She also co-leads the Sydney Alteryx User Group. Given her advanced technical skills, she takes charge of accelerating efficiency through automation of manual processes. Nez believes in the power of sharing and feels accountable in contributing to the analytics community by spreading awareness and creating training opportunities - within her organisation as well as actively contributing in programs like SparkED and Data Mentoring initiatives within Australia.

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Name Nezrin Noushad
Location au
Date Registered ‎10-28-2017 03:15 AM
Date Last Visited Friday
Total Messages Posted 201
Total Likes Received 457
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Alteryx Designer Advanced

Understands a wide breadth of tool functionality and can apply knowledge to complex problems.

Alteryx Designer Core

Skilled with the most used tools that are fundamental to data preparation and analysis and can apply knowledge to solve real-world problems.

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