Women of Analytics

Call for Feedback: Women of Analytics Resources

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)


Our Women of Analytics initiative is so important to everyone here at Alteryx, and we'd like to make sure that you have the resources you need to start connecting with your peers on the Alteryx Community.


As we work towards developing ways to improve this initiative, we thought we'd look to you - our awesome Women in Analytics Community - for feedback!


So tell us: What questions do you have about starting your involvement with Women of Analytics?


What is something that you wish you knew before you started your chapter?


Have you been wanting to start a chapter but don't know where to get started?


What's holding you back? What resources do you need?


If you're already taking steps to participate in Women of Analytics and want to share your wins and challenges, be sure to share that feedback here as well. We'd love to be able to capture your stories for the betterment of the Community as a whole!


Share in the comments below to get the conversation going. We look forward to sharing more resources with you all soon!

8 - Asteroid

Hey Maddie!


Is there a list posted somewhere of all current existing WoA chapters? I see a few mentioned by name in the group but haven't found many.




10 - Fireball

I'm on the Board of the DFW Women of Analytics.  I know there is one in India.  



One of the things that made it easy to set up the Women of Analytics group here in Dallas is that we have an active Alteryx User Group.  There is a core of women who attend the Alteryx User Group.  Also, two of the Board Members for the Alteryx User Group also sit on the Women of Analytics Group, Kristen and Deanna.  This makes the cross pollination much easier.


We know a lot of women who are using Alteryx, and doing analytics.  We are already well networked.  It only took a small nudge for use to form our group.  If we weren't all friends before we started our chapter, we were all friendly acquantances.  


Being able to put together a Board has made it so much easier.  We can spread out the responsibilities.  It doesn't rest on one set of shoulders.  Planning meetings is daunting!  You have to get a location, get speakers, get the word out.  When working a full time job, this is really hard.  



7 - Meteor

Hello Maddie,


Hope you're doing well.


Sincerely appreciate your encouragement and will to help us take this forward. The questions I have are more foundation-based than topic/meeting specific. Before we start building #WomenOfAnalytics ground-up, here in India, want to ensure we have the right fundamentals to start off with.


1. What is the core essence of the 'Women of Analytics' initiative?

2. What are our top three Goals?

3. What is the best way to collaborate with other women leaders who are driving this initiative globally to leverage each others creativity and growth strategies? 

4. Can we have specific trainings/sessions for all the women participating in this initiative, to build a strong standard and foundation, across?

5. Is there a way we can recognize the good work that the women are doing globally (specific blogs/Posts: Success stories)?


@Nezrin @Anviksha0110 (and @ydmuley of course) Look forward to your inputs on this as well :)


Many thanks,

Krisha Sangharajka