Alteryx Server Knowledge Base

Definitive answers from Server experts.

AlteryxService did not create a database folder after finishing the System Settings



AlteryxService did not create a MongoDB folder after finishing the Server System Settings.  If you are configuring Designer with Desktop Automation, there may be a different error in the logs than the one shown here.

MongoDaemon_PingImpl_SocketError: Error <No suitable servers found: `serverSelectionTimeoutMS` expired: [Failed to connect to target host: localhost:27018]: generic server error> code <mongodb:13053>

Environment Details

  • Alteryx Server  (Any version)
  • Alteryx Designer with Desktop Automation (any version)



Antivirus/Security software prevented creation of folders that are required for the AlteryxService.  When you look at the location you set in the System Settings for Controller > Persistence > Data Folder, there is no folder there or it is empty. 


For conclusive diagnosis, you may need to work with your IT/Security team to temporarily suspend your Antivirus/Security software.  




Work with your IT/Security team to adjust your Antivirus software to specifically allow directories and files to be created by AlteryxConfiguration.exe.  That program will be in the bin folder wherever you installed Alteryx.  For example Designer Admin, by default, installs that file to C:\Program Files\Alteryx\bin.

If you have encountered this error message, we strongly recommend that after you complete the configuration, you specifically allow creation and modification of files by other Alteryx modules.  The article ConnectNamedPipe Error with Adaptive Threat Protection has an attachment that includes a (rather outdated) list of the .dll and .exe files that needed to be allowed for Designer Admin or Server; it is still a good starting point.  You may find it helpful to recursively list the contents of the installation directory and its subdirectories as part of this effort (to include files that have been added since that article and its attachment were originally published in 2018).  


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