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XLIFF files? identifying the sections that need to be translated

11 - Bolide

Has anyone every parsed an XLIFF file? Here is a sample of the code --- based on XML formatting. I know there are vendors that can process these, but I am looking for a way to pull out what needs to be translated and put it back in using Alteryx.  The file I have it way more complex as it as an export from a learning module tool. 


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xliff xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:xliff:document:1.2" version="1.2">
    <file datatype="plaintext" original="self" source-language="en" target-language="de">
            <sxmd:metadata xmlns:sxmd="urn:x-sap:mlt:xliff12:metadata:1.0" xmlns="urn:x-sap:mlt:tsmetadata:1.0">
                <description>XLIFF file for shop app</description>
            <trans-unit id="hello_world" xmlns:sap="urn:x-sap:sls-mlt">
                <source>Hello world!</source>
                <target>Hallo Welt!</target>
            <trans-unit id="file_menu" xmlns:sap="urn:x-sap:sls-mlt" restype="caption">
            <trans-unit id="file_menu_new" xmlns:sap="urn:x-sap:sls-mlt" restype="menuitem">
            <trans-unit id="file_menu_exit" xmlns:sap="urn:x-sap:sls-mlt" sap:sc="XMIT">


18 - Pollux

If your Alteryx is solid  you can try to reverse engineer something like this:


I don't know of anything out of the box. I usually go the reverse direction (Alteryx to XML/SOAP)
