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Set Input File Name and Workflow Constants via File

7 - Meteor



I currently have a workflow that prompts the user for two file inputs and a date via text box and action tools:




The two filename prompts update the file that is imported, and the date prompt is used in the formula tool through a reference shortcut "%Question.Date%".


Ideally, I would like the user to load in a file with these inputs instead of entering it in manually via prompts. A user would load in a file like this:


And the workflow will know to

1. Update Input Data tool 1 to use Inputfile1

2. Update Input Data tool 2 to use Inputfile2

3. Save the "Date" value into a workflow constant "%Question.Date%" that I can refer to using a reference shortcut in the workflow


Is it possible to load in "Prompt inputs" or workflow constants via a file input? My Sample workflow is attached with the inputfiles.



20 - Arcturus

@terrence10 Try the file browser tool


7 - Meteor

Thanks for the reply @binuacs 

My goal is to have the user not have to fill in prompts. Just load in a file with all the inputs.


This file browser tool will still require the user to browse for the file and manually input the file location.

This can be quite time consuming filling in all these paths as the number of inputs increase.

20 - Arcturus

@terrence10 Another option make it available in the drop-down for the users to select, you can also hard code the same in the input text tool and call in the drop-down tool


7 - Meteor

Thanks for the input @binuacs . That is a good idea to "pre-populate" the files a user can select. However, the directory where the input files will change constantly -- it won't always be in one directory. I do not want to re-save a workflow version every time input directory changes. Input1 and input2 could be in different directories, and this could be quite time consuming if a user has to make a dropdown selection for 5+ inputs.


I think loading a file with all input locations would be the easiest / fastest for the user.

20 - Arcturus

@terrence10 If your files are in different locations it is very difficult to populate in the text tool or drop-down tool, One option is to mention full path of the file locations into a text input tool then populate respective interface tool

7 - Meteor

Ah, yes that is my current setup to prompt for full path of file locations.




Instead of having a user fill out prompts, I want a user load in a file (like below) that has the full path locations, and then Alteryx will import those files (+ load the "date" column into a workflow constant)



This will be useful if a workflow has many file inputs, so the user does not have to fill in each prompt for file locations.

