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Selecting Excel sheet tabs with $

5 - Atom

In the actual Excel spreadsheet, there is only 1 tab named 'Output'. However when selecting the sheet using the Input Data tool, I am seeing 2 sheet names - 'Output' and 'Output$'.


What is the difference between the 2 sheet names - 'Output' and 'Output$'?

Under what circumstances will we encounter this scenario - having 2 sheet names (one with the original tab name and another with $)?


Note: This screenshot of 'Choose Sheet or Specify Query' can be viewed when selecting the Cust_wTransactions.xls file from \Alteryx\Samples\SampleData folder.


2017-02-08 10_50_58-Choose Sheet or Specify Query.png

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

In this panel where we can choose a "specific sheet", we actually have the ability to select a sheet or a named range. It appears your workbook has both a named range and a sheet by the name of "output". Any value with the suffix "$" represents a sheet. So in your case, "Output" is the named range in your workbook and "Output$" is the sheet.


If you were not aware of a named range existing in your data, go inside the workbook, go to the formulas tab, and select "Name Manager" to a listing of your named ranges.

5 - Atom

Awesome! Thank you!


Just for sharing. Below is the screenshot of the named range of cells / data in the Excel spreadsheet.


Name Range in Excel.png
