Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Scheduler not working after daylight savings time switch?

5 - Atom


Currently using Designer + Scheduler and I've run into an issue. The scheduler seems to be non-functional at the moment, I believe this has something to do with daylight savings time. The last successful schedule was at 2am on 3/7. The queue is empty and the schedule list is showing plenty of workflows ready to be run with their next scheduled run time to be on 3/7 or 3/8. Today is 3/9? 

I tried testing to see if I scheduled a simple workflow to "run now" would it complete? Nope, it's just sitting in the scheduled list waiting to be run.

Any suggestions before I wipe out all my schedules and re-enter them?

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @JamesAdams 


Don't delete your schedules, just yet.  It looks like it's a bug that can be fixed by rebooting your machine.  The referenced article is about Alteryx Server but the reboot fix may work on Designer + Scheduler as well.



5 - Atom

Thanks, this worked. I was cautious to reboot the machine on the weekend over a remote connection incase there was an issue.
