Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Salesforce Output Tool - Inserting Records

7 - Meteor

Can anyone provide details on how fields should be named when attempting to use Alteryx Designer Desktop to insert records? Im mainly asking how RecordtypeID and referenced object fields should be titled or if they are required at all. 

Pretty sure these are the problem fields in my workflow. I initally had account__c named "ID" and that did not work. Updating to other fields on existing records works fine.



Currently, when I attempt inserting records, the flow freezes at the output tool for a long time.  

7 - Meteor

It needs to match the Salesforce API naming exactly. So for record type the field name should be "RecordTypeId"

That's a standard field name, so that will never change no matter the object. There are custom fields like the Account__c that are configured specifically in your org and will differ from object to object.
Outside of the Alteryx scope, I would recommend getting access to the "Setup" section of Salesforce if you're going to be interacting with it a lot. It should be a gear with a lightening logo in the top right of your SF interface. 

Once in there, you can view every object, every field, and the API name for each field. It's like a SF cheat sheet.


7 - Meteor

The flow is still stalling when I want to insert only 5 records. Do you use the api name to label fields for referenced / look up objects in your workflows?
