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Report writing

8 - Asteroid

Hi all


I'm looking to build a summary of a reconciliation I've produced.  And it would be a great learning curve to have it on a company headed report I can output to pdf and have a sign off page etc.


This is probably a bit overkill but can someone point me in the correct report writing tool I should use.  I'm looking for something fairly basic like a header, brief narrative of what the document is followed by headline values and their comparison.


I may, then go on to have additional details with all of the discrepanices listed.



13 - Pulsar

Hey @BenMurrells 


It's worth having a look through this as well for some general pointers on using the Reporting tools and how they can all link together -


for your specific query you can use:


  • Report Header tool - to add image, headers etc to the top of the report
  • Report Text tool - to add in any narrative you may want to include
  • Table tool - to turn your data into the right format for reporting
  • Render tool - to output your report in PDF

Don't forget you have the working examples for each tool as well which provides some detail on how they operate!


Hope this helps
