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Recipient of email does not see all other 'to' or 'cc' recipients, but only the first one.

8 - Asteroid

Hi all,


Here's another question:
We have an email tool and everything works fine except that as a recipient I don't get to see any other recipients other than the first listed one.

EG. list of 'to' recipients goes in like this:;;

I, or in this example, will receive the email, but me and Dave will only see John as another recipient. And John will only see his own name listed.

Same goes for CC lists. 


What's happening here? Tried using commas, semicolons, with and without spaces, but same result every time.

We need all recipients to be able to reply to all to discuss content.


11 - Bolide


Not able to replicate your issue. 

I gave like,


It's working good. 






8 - Asteroid

Thanks for trying. I've tried some things myself and it seems to not be my flow, or my settings, but the way my client's email service handles the outgoing messages. I'll see what else I can find out and share it in this thread for future reference.
