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Output to a dynamic range using a formula?

5 - Atom



I was trying to figure out a way to output a dataset (cost values corresponding to some identifier) into a dynamic range using a formula while preserving the formatting (template).


By dynamic range, I mean there are 12 columns. Only 1 column will be updated in 1 month. 


Jan'24 column to be updated when it is being run in January.

Feb'24 column for February. 


Now, the updation part has been taken care of in the workflow, only outputting it to the template needs a way.


So, for the report run in January'24 for example the output would be written in range: D9:D260, For February'24 run, it will be written in range J9:J260 and so on....(Difference of 6 columns in each month)

21 - Polaris
21 - Polaris

I tried to create a map table have link between month and column names, such as Jan to "D", Feb to "E".

Then we can create a full path including the range to be updated.

