Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Multiple input file get from a specific folder automatically

8 - Asteroid

i want to get below input files automatically to my 3 input tools from particular directory.


everyday file date will change for input files and we have fixed file names ( Desktop, Designer 1 and Designer 2)


Input :


File Name 1 : Desktop as of 02.05.2024

File Name 2 : Designer 1 as of 02.05.2024

File Name 3 : Designer 2 as of 02.05.2024






Input tool 1:  Designer 1 as of 02.05.2024


Input tool 2 : Designer 2 as of 02.05.2024


input tool 3:Desktop as of 02.05.2024

14 - Magnetar

use the directory tool and the filter on the file name with the following expression


contains ( [filename], datetimeformat(datetimenow(),"%d.%m.%Y"))


LEt me know how you get on

8 - Asteroid

@aatalai its working fine for two input tools but third one its throwing Dynamic input tool error.


Alteryx does not match a sheet or named range . the file is corrupted .i have checked no white space or path issue or spelling mistake. not able to find issue when iam using sheet 3. but i noticed that when change sheet name(Sheet 3 to Sheet 4) its working .


sheet names:


Sheet 1 : Sales

Sheet 2: Region

Sheet 3: discount

Sheet 4: Model

14 - Magnetar

try a batch macro instead of a dynamic input tool
