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Manage Workflow Asset

8 - Asteroid

If I have checked assets (for e.g. Macro file) while saving a workflow to the server. Does it mean after workflow is published to the server and then I make any changes to the asset (Macro file). I will not need to re-publish my workflow to the Server?

16 - Nebula

Hi @ayush_mishra 


When the box is checked:

  • The asset is packed and uploaded to the gallery with the workflow.
  • To change the macro, you must open the workflow from the gallery, make changes, and upload it again.

When the box is unchecked:

  • The workflow tries to access the asset/macro from its fullpath during each run.
  • This works if the server machine also can access the macro's path, especially for shared network folders.
  • You can update the macro directly in the shared folder, and workflows using it will automatically use the updated version.
8 - Asteroid

Thanks @Felipe_Ribeir0  if I go with 2nd option (uncheck), will it cause workflow execution to slow down because it is going to call the asset during execution.

16 - Nebula

@ayush_mishra i usually go with this option, and i never noticed any considerable delay. It works fine if your network shared drive is working properly.

8 - Asteroid

thanks appreciate your quick help
