Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Help allowing multiple Salesforce users to use the same Alteryx workflow

5 - Atom

Please help!  I currently have all of our Alteryx workflows saved in a shared drive.  They were all written using my Salesforce credentials to access the API to pull and push updates to Salesforce records.  I have 3 others who I need to be able to run the automations using their own Salesforce credentials (as I want the audit trail on Salesforce updates to show their info rather than mine).  Do I need to create a separate version of each workflow for each salesforce user or is there a way I can build multiple users/credentials into the 1 workflow?  Any help is appreciated!  Thank you. 

ACE Emeritus
ACE Emeritus



This is a good question and it’s something fairly easy to solve.


Alteryx has a set of tools called ‘interface tools’ which allow you to create a user interface (such as asking for their login credentials), which are then passed into the underling tools.


I’d advise looking at blogs and resources available online for the subject ‘analytic apps’.


Something to note is that, unless you have Alteryx Server, all users will require an Alteryx Designer license to run your the process.



5 - Atom

Thank you!  I have found analytics tool that will allow me to prompt entry of user Id, password, and Salesforce credentials however the issue is that these are encrypted on each individual machine so no one else can use this workflow on their machine.  Any suggestions? 
