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Header and Sub header in same column, Need help to put header & sub header new column

6 - Meteoroid

I am new to Alteryx. I need some help to copy a header and sub headers to new columns and fill down until the next header and sub headers stop it. I have created a small data set to upload here. Column A has a header, first sub header and second sub header, then two totals sub headers at the bottom. Each header needs to be in a new column and carried down until the next header, then the first sub header needs to be in a new column carried down until the end of the data in column b for that header, the 3nd sub header needs to be in its own columns and carried down until the end of the data in column b where the new "end of first total begins". Hopefully that make sense. Thanks for any help in advance.

13 - Pulsar

I am not sure I entirely understand what you are looking to accomplish based on your sample data. Do you have, or can you make what the output should look like? "Carrying down information" sounds like the perfect job for the Multi-Row Formula Tool, but I'm not sure what values you'd be using and where.

6 - Meteoroid

I have attached a sample output file. I could have up to 3 sub headers and need to be able to put each on in their own columns and carry that header down. Some of the headers are split into 4 columns and need to be concatenated into one output column for that particular sub header.  My issue is all the headers and sub headers (categories) are in one column with my current report. There are several headers and then sub headers as well that when one begins the previous one needs to stop.

13 - Pulsar

I am definitely clearer on what you're looking for now, but my next question is how do you know what's what? It looks like all the information lives in one column, so how do you know which row represents a header, sub-header, sub-sub-header, etc?

6 - Meteoroid

The data in column F on the input file is how you can decipher the headers. In column E on input data the first header is what I would call header, the second line is what I would call Sub Header 1 and the third line is what I would call Sub Header 2. Those need to be in 3 different columns next to the data in column F. When you get to a line that starts with the word "Total", then the previous sub headers would stop and the new sub headers would begin after the line that says "Total". In the file I sent for the input file instead of "Total" it says "End". This is hard to explain without sending confidential data.  :)  Let me k now if I need to send more information. Thank you.

13 - Pulsar

Here is a sample workflow that generally does what you're looking for. I modified the file structure a little based on your descriptions and what allows for simpler processing:


6 - Meteoroid

Thank you. I will give it a shot.


