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Find & Replace, but in new column

7 - Meteor

Hi All,

Sorry if this is a basic question, i'm still quite new to the exciting world of alteryx.

I currently have a workflow that cleans up some data. It finds a dirty description and replaces the part of that description with the clean version.


Clean: -Apple-128gb-IGXCYRANDOMTEXT-iPhone8-


My questions, how can I remove all the random text and insert spaces?

I'd want it to read "Apple 128gb iPhone8"


Bare in mind it would need to make multiple changes using the find and replace functionality as it is scanning a long list of possible dirty words to replace with multiple clean words in the same cell.


Thanks in advance 🙂  I will of course like / mark solution when I check back later.

Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

You can create a list of values to find, and the corresponding values to replace it with. In the configuration, you can choose to replace multiple instances in the same line. 


In the example attached, I replaced any instance of a - with a space.


Also, to remove the random text, I recommend using regex to identify the pieces you want and then a formula to put the pieces back together.




7 - Meteor



Thank you for this! First part makes sense.

In terms of the Regex, what am I doing here? I couldn't work out what to put in the "Regular Expression" box or the "Output" box.


Any guidance would be super appreciated.

Many Thanks,


Alteryx Alumni (Retired)

Are you able to attach a copy of your workflow and specifics?
