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Excel files with pivot damaged after export with Alteryx

8 - Asteroid

I am currently experiencing damaged Excel files after exporting from Alteryx to an Excel file that contains pivots. The pivots were removed and also when I try to open the file it is locked. I am the only user, so I believe this "other user" may be Alteryx. 


The flow itself contains multiple outputs, but only 3 contain pivots. 

1 File exports overwriting one sheet, with no issues and contains 5 Pivots. 

The other two overwrite one sheet, add additional tabs and contain 1 pivot. When I try to open these two, I receive the below.


I have tried re creating the flow, using new outputs, only exporting using the overwrite function (which works fine), so I know it is to do with the pivot tab.


Does anyone know how I can fix this?


Below are screenshots when I try to open the file.









11 - Bolide

Have you considered creating the pivots in Alteryx as well and just writing out multiple sheets?
