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Email formatting

8 - Asteroid

Please excuse my simple question. I have an excel file with the subject and message. I want to use the email tool to send it out to people at regular interval. I want to have it feed from an excel because I have many emails.


I could do this with Email tool but the formatting when it comes out of excel is completely off (There is no spaces or paragraphs in the email). Could someone please help me with this?


I have attached an example copy of the excel that I intend to use. Thanks,

17 - Castor
17 - Castor

Hi @shravanvijayaprasad ,


I'm attaching an example showing how to do it.

I have no idea if there is an easier solution to tackle this problem but this is the way I was able to create.


Please insert the workflow in the same folder as your input file.



Fernando Vizcaino

8 - Asteroid

I had a follow up question, how do I send an email in case of workflow success with no errors without the events method?
