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Create a date filter in Alteryx App

8 - Asteroid

hi Expert 


i have created an alteryx app which gives user to select QTD or YTD option like below. 




now i want to add a date drop down which will allow me to select the timeline for example: "Year drop down" and "quarter drop down" and MNonthly dropdown:. 

i have a source file where there are dates. sample workflow is uploaded



in the flow use can see there is hardcoded filter for current quarter which is prohibiting me to choose the record from past quarter. or even i say 

i am in Jan 2022, and when i try to run last qtr am not able to do as new quarter had already begun


in order to overcome this, if i can have a dynamic date filter option before running the flow than it make sense. 

for your reference i have selected one of the flow from my macro along with the sample file


screen shot of my macro



 please help




8 - Asteroid

actually i am looking a case similar to the date range type like this one 



but i have more than 10 input file where data is cleaned properly, so need this date range to act as a filter

