Alteryx Designer Desktop Discussions

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Append multirow with dynamic input

6 - Meteoroid

Hi ,


I want to get consolidated sheet for particular sheet and particular range, i have attached sample input and out put, kindly help, thanks in advance.

13 - Pulsar

Hey @ganesh11k,


How "dynamic" are we talking about? 

Because you can use select tools and Data Cleansing tools to separate the individual tables and then combine via a join by the Record Position. 


If that is not possible since the columns do change, you will definitely run into problems - and my first approach to this problem would be to question the input (structure) and try to change that. 

19 - Altair
19 - Altair

Hi @ganesh11k 


As well as @FrederikE's questions, there are other requirements missing.  For instance, your input file contains no information that we could use to generate the data in the Type or Description field.  Please provide a detailed description of how your inputs are converted to your inputs and then someone here can probably help you.   


